Solar Alejandra (Kopie)
Solar Alejandra (Kopie)

Solar Alejandra (Kopie)

Born in 1975 in Mexico City, Alejandra Solar currently lives and works in Luxembourg. After a BA in graphic design, she decided to pursue her university studies and focus in contemporary jewellery successively in the United States at the University of Oregon, in Spain at Escola Massana and in Germany, where she obtained a Master in Fine Arts from the University of Applied Science Trier, Idar-Oberstein. Her works have been published in various books, magazines and catalogues and have been exhibited in numerous international exhibitions. Alejandra Solar photographs and collects images from her daily life. She then selects certain figures, landscapes and objects to include them in a new context, fueled with mysticism and fantasy. The chosen aesthetic is minimalist, arid and silently dramatic. The images resonate with the cold and often dark surfaces of the stones that she shapes and sculpts with an impressive and refined dexterity.

For the artist, the theme of territory is approached through fragments of images collected in Mexico, her country of origin, and Luxembourg, her country of residence, forming a collection of isolated elements that build new stories by becoming one with the stones.

Bosque, 2023, stone (arkansa), Photos : Keven Erickson et Krystina Dul

Bosque, 2023, stone (arkansa), Photos : Keven Erickson et Krystina Dul

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